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Rebar Whistleblower Lawsuit Settles for $4.6 Million

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Rebar Whistleblower Lawsuit Settles for $4.6 Million Government sub-contractor agrees to settle whistleblower allegations of false claims and defective rebar meant for construction of nuclear waste facility. DALLAS, TX and ATLANTA, GA - April 28, 2017: Energy & Process Corporation (E&P) has agreed to pay the United States $4.6 million to settle whistleblower allegations that the company provided defective rebar for the ...

Jessica Burke Appointed Chairperson of Kentucky Crime Victims Compensation Board

Chalmers Pak Burch & Adams attorney Jessica Burke has been appointed as Chairperson of the Kentucky Crime Victims Compensation Board. She has also been appointed as a member of the Kentucky Board of Claims and the Kentucky Board of Tax Appeals. The Kentucky Crime Victims Compensation Board helps victims and their families pay for medical, funeral, and other expenses resulting from those crimes. The Kentucky ...

Michael G. Adams Appointed to Kentucky State Board of Elections

Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin appointed Chalmers Pak Burch & Adams attorney Michael G. Adams to the State Board of Elections. One of six members appointed by the Governor, Adams will represent the Republican Party. “It’s our responsibility to see that elections are conducted lawfully and fairly,” Adams commented. “I’m honored to take on this role and serve the voters of Kentucky.” The State Board of ...

Doug Chalmers Mentioned in Bloomberg Article About Huckabee $1 Million Request

Doug Chalmers, managing member of Chalmers Pak & Burch LLC, was cited in Kenneth P. Doyle's Bloomberg BNA article entitled "Huckabee Request for $1 Million a Joke." The article discusses the recent unanimous ruling by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) that Mike Huckabee did not violate campaign finance laws when he jokingly stated, "If you want to give me a million dollars, please do it." ...

Carolyn “Tippi” Cain Burch Mentioned in AJC Article About Defamation Claim

Carolyn “Tippi” Cain Burch was mentioned in a May 20, 2016 Atlanta Journal-Constitution article entitled, "Daniel Cowan threatens lawsuit over Barry Loudermilk’s Iran mailer." Burch, who represents candidate Daniel Cowan, wrote a letter demanding that incumbent US Representative Barry Loudermilk cease and desist all defamation of Cowan's character and reputation, and publicly apologize for making statements implying that Cowan had business dealings with Iran. In ...

Chalmers Pak Burch & Adams LLC Expands Political Law and Litigation Teams

PRESS RELEASE Chalmers Pak Burch & Adams LLC Expands Political Law and Litigation Teams Firm Doubles in Size in First Year Atlanta, GA - May 3, 2016 – Chalmers Pak Burch & Adams, LLC is pleased to announce that it has added three attorneys to its political law and litigation teams: Michael G. Adams, Charles D. (“Chuck”) Gabriel, and Jessica A. Burke. The firm has ...

The results referenced on this page are not the only results the firm has achieved. Each case is different and must be evaluated on its individual merits. Prior results do not guarantee similar results can be achieved in future cases.