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Chalmers, Adams, Backer & Kaufman, LLC

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Chalmers & Adams and Merge

CHALMERS & ADAMS and POLITICAL.LAW MERGE Merger Joins Two Top-Tier Law Firms Offering Litigation and Political Law Services Washington, DC - April 26, 2021 - Chalmers & Adams LLC is pleased to announce that it has merged with PLLC, a Virginia-based law firm founded by renowned lawyer Dan Backer. The merged firm, which will retain the name Chalmers & Adams LLC, is one of ...

Doug Chalmers Provides Career Advice for Young Lawyers in Daily Report Article

Doug Chalmers, Managing Member of Chalmers & Adams, recently published an article in the Daily Report discussing some of the lessons he's learned over his 20+ year legal career. The article answers questions that young lawyers often ask him about topics like practice specialization, developing books of business, paths to success, and work-life balance. Doug also shares the story of how he created Chalmers & ...

Doug Chalmers Appointed to Judicial Nominating Commission

Governor Nathan Deal has appointed Chalmers & Adams managing member Douglas Chalmers Jr. to the Judicial Nominating Commission. The Commission advises the Governor on the filling of judicial vacancies in Georgia Click here to read the official announcement.   ...

BJay Pak Nominated to Serve as U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia

President Donald Trump announced his fourth set of United States Attorney candidates, nominating Chalmers & Adams attorney Byung J. “BJay” Pak for the Northern District of Georgia. Five other candidates were also nominated to different districts. “The United States Attorney serves as the chief Federal law enforcement officer within his or her Federal judicial district,” the White House stated in the July 21 announcement. “These ...

Doug Chalmers Interviewed in AJC Article About Roger Ailes’ Impact

Doug Chalmers, managing member of Chalmers & Adams LLC, was interviewed in Aaron Gould Sheinin's Atlanta Journal-Constitution Article, "Georgia Republicans remember Roger Ailes’ impact." In the article, Doug recalled the first time he met Roger Ailes during a US Senate campaign. Roger Ailes, a veteran GOP operative and founder of Fox News, died last week. "All I can tell you from my experience is he ...

Charles Gabriel Mentioned in AJC Article About E&P Whistleblower Lawsuit Settlement

Charles "Chuck" Gabriel, member of Chalmers & Adams LLC, was mentioned in Matt Kempner's Atlanta Journal-Constitution article: 67-year-old whistle blower in DeKalb case ‘just did my job’. The article discusses the fight of Deborah Cook, Chuck's client, to hold Energy & Process Corporation accountable for alleged wrongdoing. Tucker, GA based E&P was a sub-contractor providing thousands of tons of steel rebar for construction of the ...

The results referenced on this page are not the only results the firm has achieved. Each case is different and must be evaluated on its individual merits. Prior results do not guarantee similar results can be achieved in future cases.