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Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, Business Leaders Form Independent Committee; Doug Chalmers Quoted

From the  Atlanta Journal Constitution article: “Reed and business leaders form independent committee; announce candidate support” – Oct. 23, 2013: Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed and members of the city’s business community have formed a new independent committee to help shape the outcome of this fall’s municipal elections. The group - Continue Atlanta's Progress -  will use its funds for the Atlanta school board race and ...

Douglas Chalmers Comments on Texas Test of Voting Rights Act Enforcement

From the  Atlanta Journal Constitution article: "DOJ targets Texas in voting rights enforcement test case" - July 25, 2013: Texas is the first battleground in the new era of Voting Rights Act enforcement, as the Obama administration launched a case that could have ramifications for Georgia and other states newly freed from automatic federal “pre-clearance” of their voting laws. “Texas looked like it wanted a ...

House Speaker Ralston Appoints Rebecca Sullivan to the Georgia State Election Board

From the July 1, 2013 Daily Report article "Former Perdue Lawyer Named To State Election Board" State House Speaker David Ralston, R-Blue Ridge, has appointed a former governor’s executive counsel to the State Election Board. Rebecca Sullivan, a member of the Political Law Group headed by Doug Chalmers Jr., will join the board in September. Gov. Sonny Perdue named Sullivan as his top lawyer in ...

Douglas Chalmers Comments on Recent IRS Allegations of Conservative Group Targeting

In December 2008, six weeks after Barack Obama was elected President, I participated in a panel on "The Methods of Financing and Sometimes Regulating Political Speech" at the annual conference of the Council of Governmental Ethics Laws (COGEL) in Chicago. One of other panelists was Lois Lerner, who was then and still is the Director of Exempt Organizations (i.e., nonprofits) for the IRS. You may ...

Doug Chalmers interviewed in Atlanta Business Chronicle article “Lawmakers pass loophole-riddled ethics bill”

From the Atlanta Business Chronicle article, "Lawmakers pass loophole-riddled ethics bill"- April 5, 2013: For all its loopholes, however, this year’s bill marks an important philosophical shift in how Georgia plans to address ethics in government, said Doug Chalmers, managing member of The Political Law Group LLC. “Georgia has long been a state that simply required disclosure,” he said. “Now, we’re banning certain activity by ...

Douglas Chalmers Op-Ed Published in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution

From the Atlanta Journal-Constitutional, "New Ethics Law Brings More Accountability, Transparency" Atlanta Journal-Constitution - June 15, 2010. There is nothing easy about ethics reform. As lawyers who represent elected officials (one of us is counsel to House Speaker David Ralston’s campaign committee, and the other has represented two U.S. speakers of the House), we can confirm that it takes public servants of character and determination ...

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