From the Atlanta Journal Constitution article: “DOJ targets Texas in voting rights enforcement test case” – July 25, 2013:
Texas is the first battleground in the new era of Voting Rights Act enforcement, as the Obama administration launched a case that could have ramifications for Georgia and other states newly freed from automatic federal “pre-clearance” of their voting laws.
“Texas looked like it wanted a fight on this issue, and it’s going to get one,” said Doug Chalmers, a Georgia attorney who helped Sandy Springs successfully remove itself from pre-clearance under the law’s “bailout” provision in 2010.
“It’s an important test case. You may see a much larger effort by the Justice Department to do this in a number of other jurisdictions that used to be covered by Section 4 (the pre-clearance formula) but no longer are. … It’s entirely possible we may see it in Georgia.”
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