From the article: “Mo Brooks saves up his money, leads Alabama colleagues in campaign cash” – Nov. 4, 2013:

Rep. Jo Bonner, R-Mobile, was still raising campaign money in late May, just before he announced he’d be stepping down on Aug. 15. Bonner spent about $180,000 in campaign expenses in 2013. Bonner still had $35,000 on hand as of the end of September.

Rep. Spencer Bachus, R-Vestavia Hills, also needs to spend through his warchest. The long-serving lawmaker announced on Sept. 30 that he won’t run again. Much of his money so far this year paid for various political and fundraising consultants.

Jennifer McNeely, an attorney with the Political Law Group, said once a lawmaker leaves office they have about six months to dispense the campaign funds. They must follow the necessary and ordinary uses, such as paying staff, moving furniture, giving to political campaigns, handing out small “token” gifts and hosting events.

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